Tuesday 19 November 2013

Tales from Iceland

My water
We need to be careful not to pollute the air and take care of oru land and sea. We also need to treat the earth with care and dont trov rubbish all around us.
Natalia Nótt, 8 years old.
My water
We need to be careful of not polluting the air and the water. We should not throw garbage on the streets. Our country will be cleaner if we dont.
Katla Rún, 8 years old.
My water

I think that when we pollute the water with using cars and boats and just all the machines, then we begin to pollut the water we nead to drink. Then you need to buy all the water from the store and if we pollute all the water ther is not water anymore. Then we can not drink the water anymore and it's not good for the sea too polluted, the fish die andwe can not swimm in the sea.

Elísabet Lena, 8 years old.

I think that to keep the water clean in Iceland we should be good to the world and sometimes drive less and not throw stuff and junk in the ocean. And be good to our nature and maby walk to work. Go on a bike to work, then I know that Iceland has clean water cause we do the good things I said.
(Emilía Agata 8 years old wrote this in english just like it here.)

Our water
We dont throw garbage into the sea, because it can contaminate nature. We are so lucky that we can take a bath in clean water. It is forbidden to put toxins into the ground because they can go through the mud and into our water.
(Elísabet Drífa 8 ára.)
My water
 The water is  so important because we need it to survive, to li so we dont die. In some countries the water is not clean, therefore it is forbidden to drink it from the tap like in  Africa, Denmark, Asia, France and Finland.
(Viktoría Kristín 8 ára.)

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