Monday 18 November 2013

French Essays about health

Protecting the earth is essential for our health.

The effects of air pollution on people :

Air pollution from factories, transportation... can cause respiratory diseases.

The effects of air pollution on humans :

The air pollution can cause health problems such as:
- Tingling in the throat,
- itchy  eyes ,
- allergies
- Cough,
- Asthma
- Respiratory diseases,
- Cancer.

Many people living in cities contract respiratory diseases like asthma.
The use of pesticides can affect the nervous system.

The immediate effect of air pollution :
We're talking about immediate effect when symptoms appear upon contact with the pollutant . Examples: tingling of the throat, itchy eyes , sneezing, coughing ...

Causes of allergies :
1 mites,
2 pollens,
3 some foods,
4 some chemicals,
5 medications,
6 other such as animals.

The most sensitive people to air pollution :
1 children
2 sick,
3 elderly
4 pregnant women.

The effects of air pollution on nature (animals and plants) :

The effects of air pollution on animals are the same than for men.
Moreover, the use of pesticides causes the extinction of pollinators like bees, butterflies, and we may lack fruits and vegetables we need to stay healthy.
The effects of air pollution on plants are also :
- Acidification of the leaves by the rain
- Growth problems (poor soil quality).

The effects of air pollution on buildings, materials :

With air pollution and acid rain, materials age faster and buildings become black  .

Solutions against the air pollution :

- Take the bike for short trips
- Walk to school
- Avoid the cars on short trips
- Carpooling
- Public transport
- No smoking: it is bad for health, for the lungs.

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